
Saturday 26 September 2020

Version 2 of the Big Bag

 Hi Crafters 

When I shared the large gift bag that Sam Calcott showed on YouTube, I mentioned that I would be making my next lot with 2 handles. This bag measures 9" x 12" x 3", a very useful size as it will take a jumper, collection of cosmetics etc

As promised here are the pictures of the new version

Version 2 

You Need

2 pieces of patterned 12 x12 

1 piece of coordinating 12 x 12 (plain is good) 

Check out the instructions to make up the bag from my previous post, with the exception of the plain 12 x 12 which should be cut into 3 strips of 4" x 12". Use 2 of the strips for the side as previously.

Once the main body is made, take the 3rd strip and cut into 2 making 2 pieces 2" x 12". Score each at 3/4" . You will need to take off about 1/8" off one end so the folded piece fits nicely over the top of the bag

I like to trim the corners before adding the piece. tape and glue the panels and fold over the top of the bag with the wider side over the front. It is easier to do this by placing the fold over the top and then firming the back down first and then the front. Run your bone folder over the front and back to secure. 

Mark the panel about 3" in from both sides and make your holes. Fold the bag together and make holes the other side so they line up. Add your ribbon and knot at the back to secure. 

Here are my makes: 

I love these and I am busy making more for my Etsy shop and for Christmas as well as other sized bags I will need to make some with more masculine card stock as well, so lots to do in the next few weeks
As all the bags I make fold flat I can store them easily. 

Hope you have a go and as always I would love to hear from you and see any of your makes.

Happy Crafting 

Tuesday 22 September 2020


Hi Crafters

Today I am sharing my own designs for a Gift Box & Bag from one piece of 12 x 12 cardstock 

For this project you will need:

1 sheet of heavier cardstock 12 x 12


Start by cutting the 12 x 12 in half                                                       If it has a pattern you want it to remain vertical so cut at the 6” line on the vertical.

For the bag:

  • Along the long side score at 1.5”,5.5”,7”,11” 
  •  Turn and score at 1.5” (this is the base of the bag)   
  •  Burnish all the score lines 
  •  Along the bottom cut off the right hand side section up to the score line This 1” section is the edge that will join the bag together        Cut up the other score lines and nip a little either side to form the base of the bag  
  • Glue or use tape down the side seam and join together               Fold up the bottom tabs and glue in place for the base of the bag, ensuring they line up and keep the bag square
  • Hot glue and add handles, or make holes in the top of the bag and thread ribbon through knotting them on the inside to hold
  • Pinch the top together and run down the sides until it folds over flat for storing
  • I decorated my bag with a bow made on my bow-maker
  • The Box
  • For this cut 1” off the width of your card leaving a piece 11” x 6”
  • Score along the long side @ 1.5”,5”,6.5”,10”
  • Turn and score 1.5” either side
  • Fold and burnish all your lines
  • I clip all my corners with a corner punch but you do not have to do this
  • Cut up the side score lines to the first score line Using the 1.5” marked section as the front of your box fold the box up folding in the flaps as you go.

If you want the box to be opened multi time just fasten with a ribbon, as I have. If it is to be used once you can glue the sides together and leave the top flap free to add the present before gluing it down into place.

 You could make lots of these bags in Christmas card and decorate for hanging and placing on the tree.

Or decorate them with guests names and use as place, settings as an alternative to crackers.

Happy Crafting 




Monday 14 September 2020

Great Little Gift Box Super easy to make

 Hi Crafters 

Thank you for stoppping by. Well you seem to like the gift bags and I have been asked for some gift box ideas to go with them.

Here is the first medium box. Super quick and easy to make and requires very few items so hopefully everyone will be able to have a go.

You Need

2 pieces of pretty patterned card A4 size

1 piece of card from a Lidl pad of card stock as these are 9.5” wide, although you could cut down a 12 x 12 piece. The Lidl card is good thickness and has every colour in the pad.                                           2 pieces of ribbon to coordinate 12” long                                          A score board and cutter

 From the patterned card cut 2 pieces 4& 5/8” wide by 10 ¾” long   Score both at 4 ½”, 6 ¼”


Round the edges on both sheets if you prefer a soft edge look

Lay a piece of ribbon each end of the back side of 1 piece  and adhere to the card in the centre. Glue or use red extra sticky tape and glue the other patterned piece on top so that the pattern is on the outside of each piece. Put aside to dry. When it is nearly dry carefully go over the score lines to bend them into shape.


Whilst it is drying make the base box Cut the card to 9.5” square and score at 1” and 2.5/8” on all 4 sides

Cut the scored card ready to fold up into a box. This style of scoring gives the box a double card side for extra strength                        With the card facing you cut the base corner up to the 2nd score line and cut off with a small taper                                                         Next cut up the second section of the corner to the 2nd score line (but do not cut off) taper the sides and cut off the bottom section   Cut up the other side to match                                                       Turn the card over and do the same the opposite end                     You should now have a piece that looks like this 

Fold and burnish all the score lines


Glue or tape the left and right hand panels and fold in

Gluing one end at a time Put tape or glue on the top panels turn the card over and put glue  on the corner tabs.

Turn back and fold the corner tabs in to line up with the edge of the card and fold the top over the flaps, stick down.

Do the same at the bottom edge and then run your bone folder along the sides inside the box to firm them.

 Next if you wish to cover the sides of the box to match the outside, from the spare patterned card cut 3 panels 1.5” wide by 4” long and adhere to three sides, the 4th side  will be glued to the base and lid.

Put glue or tape to the back panel of the box. This is the only tricky bit so you may prefer a wet glue that will allow some wriggle room.

 Lay the base card on the table and line up the back panel to sit just a tiny fraction above the first score line and centre it in the middle of the card so you have the same amount of edging around the box. When you are happy with the spacing stick it down


I hope you can see the score line and how the box is centred here.   Next glue the base of the box to the base card.

 Your box is now complete


A box to set off any gift and give pleasure to the recipient. Once you have mastered this basic box concept you have the basis for boxes of various sizes. If you want to increase or decrease the size, it is easier to upsize your box first and then resize your outer structure to fit.

 Here it is with T-lights and a craft gift of washi tape and embellishments

 Or why not add a mirror to the inside of the lid and put some hair bows and adornments for a young girl, or some nail polish/hand cream, for a colleague or friend.

 Stationary and  Chocolate are always welcome and make great Teachers gifts and with this pretty gift box any gift will be well presented. 

I will be back soon with a great duo of small gift boxes that can be made from one sheet of 12 x 12. 

Happy Crafting 

Sunday 6 September 2020

The Gift Bag with Dimension

 Hi Crafters 

Here I am continuing my Gift bag and box makes 

This bag measure 5.75" square and will hold those wider pots such as Candles, Body creams etc, also you can use it as a type of hamper bag.

So if you want to make a bag of Mexican or Italian goodies these are great. Or for home made cookies. They also fold flat for storing so you can make them in advance.

This is another one from Sam Calcot, with my own handle system .

You need

2 12 x 12 papers                                                                                   2 pieces of coordinating solid colour card 2" x 5.75"                         2 pieces of ribbon 22” long

 Score both sheets the same                                                              With pattern side square on score board                                      Score at 5.75”, 11.5”                                                                    Turn and score at 5.75, 8.5/8”                                                      Turn back and score at 8.5/8” down to first score line

 Cut off the bottom ½” and taper piece left top and bottom on both pieces Taper right bottom square

Place the 2 pieces together using the side panels *

Sam adds ribbon handles this way:

Lay double sided tape 1” in from middle line on front back square to just  below the half way score line and again the other side of the square 1” in from side.  Add ribbon. Repeat the front side but cut off the ribbon at the base line on the front.

Put the box together laying the front flap down last.

My bag is finished:

* Turn the square over and glue the base panels together. CHoose your front panel first and then glue the side panels onto the back panel finishing with the front panel, lining up the sides to keep the bag square.

Take the 2 pieces of plain card and score at 1", I round my front corners.  Check they fit neatly over the top of the bag and make any adjustment before the next stage. Place on top of each other and make a mark at 1.25" from each end on the score line. Punch your holes on the marks, this way each side will match. Thread your ribbon through from the front leaving about 1.25" inside and stick down with tape ( i use double sided tape). Take the top of the tape off and then lay a line of tape or glue both sides of the handle band. Line up the handle band with the top of the bag and fold over, repeat on the other side.

And then fold flat for storing

 I have these four bags in my box ready to use at Christmas 

Hope you enjoy making this bag. Check out Sam's video on YouTube for additional help with putting it together or if you want to add the handles with her design. 

Back soon with a great little gift Box.


Tuesday 1 September 2020

Large Gift Bags

 Hi Crafters

I am all about the gift boxes and bags at the moment. I have been crafting away making different sized large carriers and medium size wide carriers to take those wide candles and jars.

I will share these with you over the next couple of weeks as well as some boxes I have made to sell in my Etsy shop.

These gorgeous carrier bags have been made from  2 sheets of 12 x 12 patterned card and 1 sheets of plain 12 x 12 or you could use 2 sheets of A4 

Another great idea from Sam Calcott, you have probably noticed I am quite a fan.

However hers close with this ribbon drawn through the two sides of the bag, looks good but you have to take the ribbon out to place the items in the bag, so I have decided the next ones I make will have handles either side and a different closure. I will post my new version in a couple of weeks .

Meantime to make this you will need:

2 sheets of 12 x 12 patterned card stock

1 sheet of 12 x 12 plain/coordinating card stock

piece of ribbon approximately 22" long 

The patterned sheets you score at 3" If there is a pattern to your card place your card on the scoreboard with pattern sideways so the 3" score line is at the base of the card.

With the plain card cut 2 pieces 4" wide, 1 piece 3" wide leaving 1" strip for the handle 

The 4" pieces are the side panels and score these at 0.5", 3.5" 

Turn and score at 3", 4.5", Turn back and score at 2" to the first score line using a ruler and score tool score from the base of the 2" line diagonally both sides to the next score line, this is scored to the inside of the 1/2" border 

Cut off the 1/2" borders on bottom 3" panel and taper the centre section.

The 3" piece score at 1" and corner the bottom edge, as this is the front panel. Burnish all score lines on all pieces, particularly the scored lines on the side panel as this allows the bag to be fold down for storage

To put together

Glue the 2 patterned pieces together along the 3" base piece              Open up and lay the side panels each side gluing down the the 3" tapered section so it butts to the outer line of the 3" base and can then fold up easily                                                                                 Next glue or tape the side 1/2" sections and pull up the main section front matching the tops and then running down the side. Do front and back seperately as it makes it easier to line up the papers when dealing with one side at a time.

The bag should fold over to store flat

Adhere the 3" panel over the front of the bag. Once in place mark where you want to punch out the holes for the ribbon to be threaded front and back ensuring they line up before punching them out, thread the ribbon through and tie a bow

Lastly corner the handle strip both end lay to the outer side of the back holes and and adher down. This is best if you secure one side first and then curve the handle over to the other side and secure. You could use brads but you woudl need to cover the inside of the bag over the brads so they do not catch with some card circles. 

Some of my bags will be available to buy on Ebay. ANd I am looking forward to making my Vintage Christmas gift bags using the new Natures Garden papers from Crafters Companion. As I write this page it is 16weeks to Christmas, so time to get making.

Happy Crafting 
