
Saturday 26 September 2020

Version 2 of the Big Bag

 Hi Crafters 

When I shared the large gift bag that Sam Calcott showed on YouTube, I mentioned that I would be making my next lot with 2 handles. This bag measures 9" x 12" x 3", a very useful size as it will take a jumper, collection of cosmetics etc

As promised here are the pictures of the new version

Version 2 

You Need

2 pieces of patterned 12 x12 

1 piece of coordinating 12 x 12 (plain is good) 

Check out the instructions to make up the bag from my previous post, with the exception of the plain 12 x 12 which should be cut into 3 strips of 4" x 12". Use 2 of the strips for the side as previously.

Once the main body is made, take the 3rd strip and cut into 2 making 2 pieces 2" x 12". Score each at 3/4" . You will need to take off about 1/8" off one end so the folded piece fits nicely over the top of the bag

I like to trim the corners before adding the piece. tape and glue the panels and fold over the top of the bag with the wider side over the front. It is easier to do this by placing the fold over the top and then firming the back down first and then the front. Run your bone folder over the front and back to secure. 

Mark the panel about 3" in from both sides and make your holes. Fold the bag together and make holes the other side so they line up. Add your ribbon and knot at the back to secure. 

Here are my makes: 

I love these and I am busy making more for my Etsy shop and for Christmas as well as other sized bags I will need to make some with more masculine card stock as well, so lots to do in the next few weeks
As all the bags I make fold flat I can store them easily. 

Hope you have a go and as always I would love to hear from you and see any of your makes.

Happy Crafting 

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