
Sunday 31 July 2016


This seems to be the season for weddings and nowadays young people seem to have most household items when they get married. So I was asked to make a card that had a pocket to take an envelope for a cheque
The outside of the card was simple
I embossed a white scalloped edge card and added 2 lazer cut hearts

Inside the card I made a pocket as I would for a scrapbook page and embossed the front with a sizzix embossing folder that has "Always and Forever" on it
Then I made a mini envelope to sit inside, lined the envelope and edged the outside flap with tiny gems. Alas I forgot to take a photograph before delivering it, but you get the idea.

Saturday 30 July 2016


Back home from holidays and busy week at work.
I am also trying to increase my daily exercise at I sit at a desk all day with little movement
So for the last week I have been doing a walk around the local park before work. It's  a thirty minute walk around the parks pond which has ducks Canadian Geese, Swans and fish. It has been a revelation, as everyone seems in a good mood at that time of the morning, you get greetings from most people and a wag of the tail from the dogs, and even in the first week you start to recognise the regulars.
Lets hope I can keep it up.

Here is another style of gift box. I made one recently and added some fudge purchased for the ladies in office when I was on holiday, they seem to appreciate the effort.

It is quite quick to make and is perfect for cookies as well as sweets and fudge, or even some pretty soaps or candles.

Friday 8 July 2016


Another find in the tidy up.
This is a lovely little A6 mini album. Made for a little boy with envelope system for the base papers. Its a lovely little book that will take about a dozen pictures altogether so perfect for the little ones first  birthday or holiday
Simply fold the end of 5 envelopes over and glue each flap to the next envelope (I used DL for this one) cover with papers. Make the outside cover from cardboard and cover with matching papers and then glue the two outer envelopes to the cover before finishing off
I have covered each centre page on one side with a longer piece of paper so it has a journalling flap.
 Finished with dragons and 'once upon a time' stickers

Thursday 7 July 2016


This card was another one stamped out and coloured by hand using watercolour pencils
I made a bunch of them about 18 months ago and thought they were great for men, (probably because my man likes all things maritime).

I have a little set of stamps that include this little Art stamp used inthe corner , and on the back, each of the hand painted cards that I make is numbered and stamped with hand made by.....
The finished card was then mounted onto a blue background card and then onto the main card.

Wednesday 6 July 2016


When tidying the craft desk several things needed rehousing in the boxes, and as I pulled them out to make room for new items and to get items sold on ebay I came across some lovely bits and pieces made over the last year but which because they are small or or low cost have not been put on ebay.

Some lovely makes, so I thought I would share them with you over the next couple of weeks.

First one up is a great little card. I purchased a few stamps from this range with the theme of girlfriends
This one in particular caught my eye as we have a slimming club that uses the premises where I work and some of the ladies also come to my craft days. I made several for Birthdays and put a tag on

"Friends that weigh together Stay together"

This was stamped onto white card and then watercoloured using watercolour pencils
I then mounted it onto silver mirra card and ontothe scalloped main card with the faceted gems to finish it.

Tuesday 5 July 2016


Sunday lunch out with family, it was lovely to catch up and then a short walk before getting home for 4pm

Lots to do on ebay and also the dreaded craft desk. But it was no good putting it off as no new work could be considered before the desk found some space.

You feel so much better when you have it all done. Its not perfect but I have some more items to put on ebay and a reminder of new dies purchased and not yet opened.

A quick note - "Everycraft a pound" had some border and ordinary punches at silly prices

Monday 4 July 2016


A week of adding to the desk and not actually having the energy to do anything with my purchases etc has left the desk in a big mess
Today is Sunday and I might not get much crafting done today as the first job is sorting out the mess

Happily we are out to lunch with family today but on my return I will be straight onto this 
Hopefully some of you willhave seen my previous post showing the craft room tidy with allthe cupboards and boxes stacked beautifully. . The boxes still in good order but not sure what happened to the desk.

Sunday 3 July 2016


Well here we are another week gone by and I have not managed to post anything
I have been a bit under the weather and apart from work not much else has been done
The craft desk looks like a bomb has hit it but on a good note I have sold some of my craft goodies on ebay and hopefully some other crafters have had a bargain and I have a pot for future buying.

I did get out yesterday and visited a lovely independent stationers that is unfortunately closing down. It was tale end of their sale but I did pick up a fiskars hole punch and some petal stamp pads.