
Sunday 4 September 2016

First CHristmas Cards Made

Hi Crafters
Wow it looks like summer is over.
Next on the big calendar is Christmas and the big stores are getting ready to attract shoppers as soon as the children go back to school, whilst crafting channels have already made a huge start on selling Christmas crafting items.
My Anna Griffin box arrived this week as well as my DieSire dies. I have made a start with the Anna Griffin cards and put a lot together already. Watching Anna Griffin on the Crafting Channel meant I tried the sideways pop-out card instead of all upright, and these look lovely. There really are a lovely lot of embellishments to add to these cards and if you have a lot to make for family and friends or make for charity these are a great starting place. The end product is very professional, and the ideas sheet help enormously as the one problem I have with Anna Griffin is the amount of lovely embellishments can be overwhelming at first. Follow the sheets and you can make beautiful cards quickly, leaving more time for your own designs, and experiments.

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