
Monday 8 May 2017

What's next

Well here I am post retirement and yet no posts  on here for a month.
First there was the celebrations and relaxation
And for the last 10 days I have been poorly, this always seems to happen to me, as soon as I relax I get ill.
However post illness I intend to craft with a vengeance and this includes new ideas and plans hatched up while lying around feeling groggy.

On the up side I have lost 4 lbs. which I intend to capitalise on

I have done a little crafting over the past few weeks, tidied the craft room  and invested in some new dies and tools. Including some millinery tools to make fabric flowers. I was also very lucky to receive  lots of lovely gifts from friends and colleagues on leaving work including a "guilt free spending" gift card for Hobbycraft.

So come May and I will be visiting the store to spend my gift.

I have also spent some time researching craft fair ideas. IT is more competitive than ever out there, and to make a craft show work for you, you need a USP  that is going to attract people to your stall.

I will write again on the costs to consider when contemplating a show, and possible selling places.

In the meantime here are a

 couple of pictures of recents makes


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