
Friday 4 March 2022

Self Closing Pouch Box

 March Gift Boxes & Bags 

1. Self Closing Pouch

Here is my first make for the March theme of gift boxes and bags
For All my March bags and boxes I have used Sara’s Signature “Letters from the Heart”
12 x 12 Paper Pad 

To make this Pouch you need:
2 sheets of card or paper 12 x 12 
Strong tape or glue 

Cut one sheet of 12 x 12 to 8” wide and one to 9” wide 
For each sheet score along the 12” side at 2” and 10”  So 2” along the bottom and 2” from the top
For the 9” wide sheet score 1/2” both sides of the full length and mark the top score line at 4.5” , in other words the centre of the score line. Score at 4.5” from the bottom of the paper to the bottom score line. 
Then score from the mark to the inside of the side score line at the base of the page on both left and right side to form a triangle
With the 8” wide sheet, again mark the centre of the top score line and bottom score line at 4” and score from the centre mark at the top to the outside edge of the bottom score line on left and right side. 
Score at 4” across from the bottom the paper to the bottom score line to form the base of the pouch 
Cut up the middle score line at the base (see second picture)

This is the base of your pouch made
Fold and burnish all your score line including the middle Triangle
Cut off the bottom outside sections on the wider sheet and glue the 1/2” panels on the outside of the papers. Place the 8” wide piece over the top of this panel piece, line up the score lines and then press together running over your bone-folder to get a good fix. Turn over and repeat on the other side to make the pouch.

When this has dried.
To make the Pouch shape, take the bottom of the pouch and fold over the 4 flaps to form a base, making sure to line up the sides to form a square base. Line them up well before gluing down each panel keeping the square shape.

Put your hand inside to box to shape the triangle section to form the pouch and the top will naturally close the box top
Decorate with bows, tags or any decoration of your choice. I made a bow using scraps of the paper pad and some silver mirra card. 

This Pouch/Gift Bag will hold many items. A candle, sweets, scarf etc 
It can be stores flat by gluing the sides together and then leaving to complete when you want the pouch. 

Keep stopping by to see the other boxes and gift bags being shown this month.

Happy Crafting 

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