
Saturday 26 August 2023

Fabulous Gift Box - 4 in One

Four in One Gift Box 

It’s great to be back with the paper crafting, after quite a break. 

I have done some card crafting whilst I was sewing all those bags, but only a little at the craft club I attend weekly, and I have struggled with ideas and organising my time a little. 

However, after making the wave card (see previous post), and packing away the sewing machine, my enthusiasm and ideas have started to flow again. 

This gift box, from Sam Calcott is just up my street, I enjoy construction work and this is not difficult once you get into it. It does require 6 pieces of 12 x 12 or 7 sheets of A4 plus papers to decorate. I will place the link below as there are a lot of parts and her videos are great for instructions.

In line with my new thoughts of using what i have in the cupboard, the boxes were made from canary yellow card which has been in the box for years and covered with K & Co papers as was the top. I was then able to use up the K & Co toppers that I started when making the wave card.

I enjoyed making this so much I thought I would make some more. I will need to check the cupboard and see what fits the design. 

Happy Crafting 


Wednesday 23 August 2023

Butterfly Wave Pop-Out Card

Special Occasion card

This lovely card comes from Sam Calcott on YouTube.

I thought it was a great design and had to try it. 
Sam used stamped butterflies punched out, while my butterflies have been made with multicoloured papers that have been die cut and then put back into an embossing folder to give it additional markings. 

Take a look at her demonstration for sizes etc as her videos are really good. 

I showed it to the craft group I go to and they wanted to have a go at making it, so I demonstrated it for them and gave them some ideas for other toppers. I used flowers for the demonstration, and thought I would like to try a mans card made from steampunk, or seaside theme, so we are making it again next week. 

Here is the one I made for the demo, it used a 6 x 6 card and I used up some K & CO toppers I had in my stash. I am trying to use what I have and design my makes to suit what is already in the cupboard. 

Next weeks card I hope to use The Paper Tree papers I have with seaside theme. I will post it if I manage to find a way to design the card around them.

Happy Crafting 

Friday 18 August 2023

Bags of Bags for the Craft show

 A Great Selection of Bags

Back again…..

Have been gone a  few weeks,  sorry. 
Six months ago, I lost my husband after 45years of marriage and it has been hard enough to get up in the mornings,  but with great support from family and friends I am getting back to what will be “normal” life, and this includes crafting.

Sewing has been a useful diversion for me and helped me through this difficult time. I started speculatively but as I made half a dozen totes and then 6-8 medium tote bags I started to get large scrap pieces and made these into purses to use them up. 

I have added:        Messenger Bags
                                Glass cases
                                Doggy Poop bags
                                Water Bottle bags with pockets for a phone or keys 
                                Cleansing pads 
                                Phone Wallets
                                Shopping bags 
                                Beach bags 

I am ready for a craft show on Bank Holiday Monday and will spend the next week working on displays for the table.

This first show with the bags will be a little messy as I have a lot of different bags to show, I want to see what bags are best received by buyers. I will then look again at practical makes for Christmas.

All my bags are made from Reclaimed fabrics, I buy end of roll bundles of furnishing fabrics, or use fabrics from clothes no longer in use. My husband loved clothes and so I have made myself some memory items. Some are very practical like the cord tidies.

This one is holding my sewing foot pedal cords and I use others for my iron, and my laminator.
These are made from his pyjamas tops and shirts and are a simple length of fabric with a piece of elastic inserted one end and a couple of buttons added to the outside so you have a selection  of lengths.  

I will have a number if items that have used up the pieces left over from  the bigger projects that will sell for £1, so there has been very little waste. 

selection of tissue holders, cord ties and small coin/jewellery purses.

Bigger purses that can been used for money or makeup etc use bigger offcuts and will sell for £2

Others are particular to me, ( a favourite jumper has become a reading cushion with pocket) 
It was quite straightforward to cut out but difficult to complete as sewing wool is not easy to get straight edges. But as it for me I am happy with the result (definitely not one to sell).

This cushion was made from a sweater that I purchased for my husband and particularly liked. I could not bear to part with it, so decided to make a reading cushion for myself. The main cushion uses the front and back while the pocket is made from a sleeve. 

I have managed an awful lot of sewing in the last few months, and I note the irony, this has only been possible as I have been using the dining table and leaving my machine set up, but then I would not have needed to fill my days in the same way, so I guess there is always different ways of looking at things. 

The sewing machine is currently back in the cupboard and I have started some new paper craft projects. 

I will report back after the craft show and let you know how it went. 

My next posts will be  some of the new paper crafts, so check back if that is what you like.

Happy Crafting