
Saturday 26 August 2023

Fabulous Gift Box - 4 in One

Four in One Gift Box 

It’s great to be back with the paper crafting, after quite a break. 

I have done some card crafting whilst I was sewing all those bags, but only a little at the craft club I attend weekly, and I have struggled with ideas and organising my time a little. 

However, after making the wave card (see previous post), and packing away the sewing machine, my enthusiasm and ideas have started to flow again. 

This gift box, from Sam Calcott is just up my street, I enjoy construction work and this is not difficult once you get into it. It does require 6 pieces of 12 x 12 or 7 sheets of A4 plus papers to decorate. I will place the link below as there are a lot of parts and her videos are great for instructions.

In line with my new thoughts of using what i have in the cupboard, the boxes were made from canary yellow card which has been in the box for years and covered with K & Co papers as was the top. I was then able to use up the K & Co toppers that I started when making the wave card.

I enjoyed making this so much I thought I would make some more. I will need to check the cupboard and see what fits the design. 

Happy Crafting 


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