
Saturday 3 August 2019

Project 10 Using up your stash Sorting your card

Hello Crafters

This is the last in the series of using up your stash, and this particular post should probably have been the first one in the series.

It is all about keeping your card tidy and using up ALL the card including the scraps. I have covered this before but thought it was worth going over again.

I am sure most crafters like me have a bag of scrap card under the desk or in a box/drawer that you tidy the desk into. You are always going to use it, but it often sits there for months going nowhere.

By sorting the pieces and putting into groups you will have them at hand for any projects you make.

Here is my kitchen table before the sort:

As you can see the cup of tea is also on the table to see me through the workload.

I then sort into categories according to the type of crafting I do, so this may be different for you.

Here are my categories

1 Bigger pieces that can be used for other projects 

These are usually A6 and over 

2 Black and metallic card 
I always separate these as they have specific uses, are normally more expensive so if you have a piece large enough without cutting a new sheet it is useful.

3 Long narrow strips
These I can use to make paper ribbons or belly bands

4. Shaped pieces already cut
Often after cutting the main parts for a project you have a neat piece of card left in one corner or you have cut it out to make a box etc. This I stack separately as they can be used for tags and matting & layering

5. Probably the biggest pile  the other smaller pieces, but too large to throw out
Although this is most useful pile, (I use them for my die-cutting), this is the pile you need to be most ruthless with. Be strong and throw out any finer papers or card as die cuts need to be 150gsm or more to hold their shape well. so unless you have a specific idea on how to use it throw it out.
Any very small pieces, I have kept them before because they are particularly pretty prints or card colour but then when I revisit the stash they are still there, taking up valuable space. 

Place all your piles in separate bags or files and then put in one large folder or bag and store under the desk or on a craft shelf.

Last but not least, on a quiet day when you are looking for something to do, take out stack 5 and your die cutting machine and cut like crazy, ready for your projects. 



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