
Tuesday 7 January 2020

First "Make Together Tuesday"

Hi Crafters

Here is the first "Make Together Tuesday" craft.
It is a cute little Sticky Note holder 
I am recycling my Christmas cards, they are always so lovely and I get great joy from reusing them, but this year I want to be more adventurous than just making cards or tags.
When recycling Christmas cards I always start by sorted them into size order as this can help you get the ideas for best use of each size.

To make this Sticky note Holder you will need:

2 small Christmas cards same size (choose cards that are 1-2cm larger than the sticky pad, mine were 9.5cm square)
A piece of coordinating card 
sml amount of ribbon 
Pritt stick or strong glue of choice 
Scoring tool

  • Cut the front off one card and on the 2nd card cut the back about half way across leaving 4cm attached. score the back at 2cm 

 Next turn the cards over and score the larger piece 1.5cm to the left side and 1.5cm along the base of the card and the smaller piece 1.5cm on the right side of the card and base 
  • Fold and burnish the scored lines
  • Attach the two pieces of card by gluing the smaller section to the larger at the first score line 
  • Mitre the 2 bottom corners, snip into the top corners to the score line and glue down.
  • You may find it easier to snip up to the score line at the base in the middle where the spine is formed snip out a little from each side so it does not bunch up.
  • Cut a piece of coordinating card to sit inside the frame my piece was cut at 18cm x 8cm 
  • place 2 pieces of ribbon onto the card approx 12cm long and glue down 3cm into each side
  • glue all over the coordinating card piece and lay carefully on hte inside of the card covering the ribbon and leaving an even edge all around.
  • once in place use your bone folder to press done firmly from the midddle out, and fold up the spine either side so the top piece sits into the fold, keep pressing done the card until it is firm and folded nicely then put to one side to dry
  • Once it is dry add a sticky note pad to the right side of the card by gluing the back board of the pad and placing it centrally to the back section of the newly formed card

 Just a handy size for the handbag, why not give them out to family and friends 
I will have this made up plus one kit with instructions, for sale together for anyone would like to make it, in my Etsy Store. 
Happy Crafting

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