
Sunday 22 November 2020

Self Closing Pouch Box

 Hi Crafters

Well the run up to Christmas has begun.

So today I am revisiting one of my early boxes.

It is simple to make and can be made any size that you have paper for. They look good as Table favours when made from 6 x 6 papers, and here I am making them for a larger gift such as Toiletries.

You will need 2 pieces of 12 x 12 

Piece 1

Cut 8” wide by 12” long

keep the 4” piece and cut into 3 4 x 4 pieces

With 8” side to the side of scorer score at 2” and 10”

Turn and score from the bottom to bottom score line at 4”


Piece 2

Cut 9” wide and 12” long

Score ½” both of the long sides ( so with the 9” side at the top)

Turn and score at 2” and 10”

Again turn and score bottom to the score line at 4.5”

Cut the ½” sections off the bottom up to the 2” score line


Fold over the bottom section put on the score board with this at the top of the scoreboard, and place your score tool on the centre score line at the 2” mark. Holding the card in place with the scorer, turn the card until the outer edge at the base is on the same line, (I use the 6” line on the scoreboard  to line up)

For the wider piece take the diagonal score lines to the edge of the 1.2” score line


Burnish all score lines

Fold in the ½” side panels and add tape to the top

Place the 8” piece on top, lining up the sides as carefully as possible

Fold over the bottom flaps forming a square, glue down

You then place one of the 4” squares over the bottom.

Glue another square and slide it inside to firm the base even more   

These can be stored with the bases not stuck down, for use when required. They stack well flat 

Make them in advance. They make great boxes to give gifts to colleagues and friends.

Back soon with instruction how to make a last minute gift that is so simple.


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