
Saturday 31 December 2022

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year to You and Your families

Let’s ring out 2022 and say hello to 2023 and all the new possibilities with your crafts.

I hope you all had what you wished for from Santa and here’s to a

 Happy and Peaceful 2023

Who knows what I will be crafting in 2023 but I will be sure to share them with you so keeping dropping by and lets keep sharing our ideas and enjoying our crafts.

I did get some craft. Items from my Santa list

Magnetic sheets for my new dies
Das Clay to try out some vintage embellishments for decorations and boxes.

So here are a couple of makes for 2023.

I also want to do more sewing but getting the time to set up and sew is not so easy.

Also a big Thank you to all the great artists and crafters on YouTube, Pinterest etc that so generously share their time and makes with us. 

See you all in the New Year


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