
Sunday 26 February 2017


Hi Crafters

Beginning to count down to retirement and planning the craft days. Before that can start though I have to clear my crafting items from the office. With this mind I started to tidy the drawers in my office and came across paper pads with bits and pieces in and some with quite a few sheets.

As usual I got sidetracked by some card in the recycling pile and made an album cover. Then finding some sheets of A4 sheets of lightweight card I made the binding system to fit the album cover.

That was one lunch time gone. The next day I put the inside pages to the binding and a couple of days later I finished the album.

Some of the other Sheets of A4papers and 12 x 12 papers were gathered up with an idea of building a grab bag for charity which I will do but then decided some of them could be used to make the DL envelopes with self closures from the Tattered lace templates and dies (see below) .

I brought the album home on Thursday to put on eBay and would you believe it I sold one of Only two albums I had for sale., so today has been a day of photographing and uploading more sales on eBay including the album, and posting the album off to my buyer.

This one is called memories

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