
Saturday 1 January 2022

Preparing your Christmas Cards for Recycling

 Happy New Year and welcome to my first blog of 2022

So January will be all about recycling your Christmas Cards.

To do this we start by sorting out the cards . I put my cards in size order and at this stage I do not cut the backs off, unless they are far too messy to be able to use. Once this is done we can consider the best projects for the size of the card. 

I then decide what projects i am going to make. By deciding before hand it focuses the selection process for the most suitable card for each project.

I have the following projects in mind:

  1. Simple squeeze box for sweets on the tree
  2. Flat and tall boxes
  3. Sticky note holders
  4. Card & Envelope to gift bag
  5. Mini Brag Book 

Once you have decided on the projects you are going to make with your cards place the cards you think appropriate to that project in a pile. With any you are not sure about decide if there is a part of the card you can use or that can be recycled to make new cards and tags.

Our first project suits most sizes and is very simple so great for beginners or making with the children, who could then use them next year for friends or teacher gifts. 

Take your card front and using your bone-folder or ruler, pull the card along the ruler this helps to curve the card, particularly useful if the card is heavy card stock. Next pull the 2 sides around to meet each other with a lap-over of about 1/2cm at the back,  and squeeze the base together. Unfold and add tape or mark the sides and base for gluing later

If you are going to store for the year unfold the cards at this point and lay flat again to store. Then make a note of the remaining process to place in the bag with the cards

To complete the project when you are ready to use them-

Glue the side together in a rounded manner.
Next glue the bottom edge and pinch together to glue firmly

When dry, pinch the top in the opposite direction to the base

Put a hole in the middle ready to thread the hanging ribbon and decorations. The box is now ready to fill with sweets, chocolates etc and give to friends/ treachery or to hang on the tree. They are excellent pockets of yummyness  to give to little visitors in the holiday season. 

If I was giving them for teacher gifts I would probably fill with Lindt or luxury chocs as a 6 x 6 card  hold 4 Lindt chocolate balls.
 Here is one on my tree 

I usually hang half a dozen on the trees to give to visiting nieces, nephews to take home with them, on the run up to Christmas. 

Well this is the first project of 2022 check back next week for the project 2 


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