
Saturday 8 January 2022

Recycling Project 2 Boxes from your Christmas cards

             Project 2 - Recycling your Christmas Cards 

Making Tall and Flat Boxes

Todays Project requires either a box maker or a score board to make your tops and bases for the boxes but if you do not have either of these you can try using a ruler and scoring tool. 

Tall Box: A very useful size of box that will present your gifts beautifully. 
To make this you require 
2 cards of equal size and matching colours 
2 pieces of plain card stock 
2 pieces of copy paper or pretty Christmas paper

I chose 2 white cards 16cm square 

Open out both cards and Score them at 3cm on the back  panel right side 
Line the inside of the card to cover the writing. 

If the writing goes over to the edge of the card you will need to line the card before scoring.
Glue the outside of the scored flap, as these sections re attached to the other card to make the box structure

This makes a lovely large gift box 16cm Wide x 13cm Deep by 16cm High
Now for the trickier part to make the base and lid. I like to make the base so it sits inside the box frame. First measure the box core size. This one measure 13cm x 16cm, For a 2cm lid depth add 4cm to each measurement making the size of card required 20cm x 17cm, score it 2cm on all 4 sides. Cut up the corners and make into a box lid this will be the bottom piece and the centre core of the box frame will sit over the finished “lid” . For the actual lid measure the card 2mm bigger so cut the card 20.2cm x 17.2cm score at 2cm on all 4 sides. 
You can stop at this point and store the base, lid and centre all flat and make up when you want them

To complete: 
Make the base and lid. Using a wet glue such as Pruitt Stick, as this will allow some wiggle room place the base lid upside down and glue all four insides. Slide the frame over the outside and line up with the bottom, set aside to dry. 
Make up the lid and decorate with ribbon etc 
When the base has dried your box is ready to use. Fill as required and place on lid. 

Now for the standard box. 

I have previously made these with 2 matching or very similar cards in the same size, and the boxes formed are quite small but useful for jewellery etc. I also love to make these boxes as a great way of using those lovely cards that you really want to save because you love the design and can’t bear to part with them, as they set of your lid beautifully and make a very attractive box.

As I loved this card i trimmed it a little and used 2 12 x 12 pieces of card to set it off. 

The card front was trimmed so it would sit inside the coloured box giving it a frame.
Next I scored the box top and base using my score board. This meant the lid and base were scored at 1’ and 2” on all 4 sides using the box making score lines and this naturally gives a a little additional room to the lid allowing it to sit over the base with just the right amount of space to fit perfectly. If you do not have a box maker or a scoreboard that allows you to make boxes you can do this by cutting one of the 12 x 12 sheets to 11 7/8” square. This will form the base of the box and the lid will be the 12 x 12 sheet. 

To store for next year: score the lid and base and glue your card front to the centre of the lid put aside.

When you want to use the box cut the scored sections to form the box.

As you can see from the photograph I have cut up the 2 scores lines up to the second score line 
Then cut the outside section away and the inside section cut the outer 1” off and then cut small V notches either side. The turn the card 180% and do the same the other side 
You then glue the 2 side sections and and fold in. Turn 180% and glue the outside of the small corner sections and inside of the long sections. Tuck the flap in and the flap over it and glue down Both ends to form the box 
Do this with the base and lid to complete a lovely box.
I will use mine for items such as scarves, liens etc.But I am sure you can think of lots of items for  a box nearly 12” square and 1” deep

This has been tucked away for next year. 

Back soon with the next project.

Happy Crafting 


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