
Tuesday 17 January 2023

3 Box ~ Gift Box

 First New Project of 2023

At Craft Club we wanted to make gift boxes and I decided to make this 3 box Gift Box.
It is basically a 3 section box with each  section being made as a box base. 

To make this box you will need:

4 sheets of 12 x 12 card
1 bead and small piece of coordinating ribbon

 From 3 sheets cut to 9 x 9  save the outer pieces to line the boxes

Score each of the 4 sides at ½”, 1 ¾”, 3”

Make into a box by gluing the 3 middle section on the left and right side ( not the corner squares). Lift up and put the 2 1.5” sections together and the 0.5” section glued to the centre square. Next glue the underneath sections of the square coroners and the top card of the 3 sections. Fold the corners in and fold over the the other section with the top 0.5” section secured to the centre square.

With the 4th sheet cut to 9 ½”,  x 12 again save the strip for strengthening the back section

Score this at 3 3/8th”, 4 5/8”, 8”, - cut at 11 3/8”

Cut the saved strip down to 2 ¼” and score the length at 1 1/8”.

Fold all the scored lines and fold over and glue down the top two section to make a firm base. You may need to trim the far edge to make it fit inside the score line. This leaves the base of the box with a bottom side and top,

·         Glue the folded 1 1/8” strip and glue to the inside of the back of the box, line up the piece inside the score lines, butting it up to the top edge, and folding the lid over to make sure there is a snug fit and the lid sits down. Cut the excess off.

·         Next, sit the 3 boxes on the base and make the sides even,   glue the base and the top and right side of 2 of the boxes. Lay them on the base and from the left side place the boxes together on the base with the top edge glued to the back panel and the side edge to the second box. 

·         With the third box glue the base and top edge and complete the 3 boxes on the base, clip the boxes together while the glue dries and fold the lid back and clip the boxes while drying.

·         From your scraps cut 2 panels to line the lid, inside and outside, these should be 3” x 9”. Thread your ribbon through the bead and attach with tape to the inside of the top panel. Glue the 2 panels down .

And here you have a lovely gift box ready that will set off any present . 

I have put some makeup pieces in but you could add hair adornments, sewing tool, chocolates, jewellery etc

The whole box cost approximately £1.50 to make and that was mainly the pearl bead as it was a more expensive jewellery bead. The card used was from a pad purchased in the range and the 12 x 12 sheets were cut to show off the humming birds on the inside and outside panels of the lid. 

Hope you liked this project

Happy Crafting


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