
Wednesday 1 February 2023

Something New - Mixed media & Memory

Something New- Well New to Me

My first dabble at Mixed Media craft, brought on by wanting to make something personal for my sisters 70th birthday.I have seen something similar on Etsy and decided if I made one myself, I could use pieces more personal to me and the receiver.

I bought  a few MDF letters at the Exeter Craft Fayre and they sat in the cupboard for several months. In the meantime i tried my hand at Journals and while making them I recycled jewellery for journal embellishments and clips. I then had a bundles of beads and jewellery parts as well as jewelled embellishments in the craft box used for decorating boxes. 

I was now in a good place to try decorating my initials. 

I took the J first and painted the base board with a coat of blue paint, as I wanted to colour coordinate the jewellery used in the project . I then spread out my beads, jewellery pieces, and embellishments onto a tray and sorted out suitable blue and white and silver pieces. Then sorted these by size. To start I added a couple of the larger pieces across the letter and then checked out shapes and colour to cover the rest of the letter. 

Once I had the items configured in a layout I liked I heated up the glue-gun and added them piece by piece. It was then left to cool while I considered how to present it. 

To show the letter off I presented it on a plain white oval card and then laid this on a background of Laura Ashley wallpaper, as the paper had the blues I wanted to coordinate  with the embellishments. This had to be cut  to the background size of the frame.

Here is the finished project. I was pleased with it and gave to my sister along with her present and a Tea Gift box and card of my own design made especially to celebrate her birthday.

Check back to see the other 2 items.


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