
Monday 29 March 2021

Spring Flower Pot Card - Use up your scraps

 Hello Crafters

I saw these lovely Flower Pots on Gi Kerr’s YouTube channel, and thought what a great way to use up your little scraps of papers that you couldn’t bear to throw away but are too small for most projects.

I will link the video from Gi Kerr below so you can see it being made.

To make this you need:

 1 sheet of cream card A4 or a piece of tea stained paper ( I used cream card)
Oddments of lace (preferably scalloped bottom)
Oddments of cheesecloth or Muslim (I used organza ribbon)
Scraps of paper cut with flower punch to produce lots of small flower shapes 
A small piece of cream card for a tag 

With the the page portrait fold up from the bottom about 3.5” and then fold down that flap about 1/2” to strengthen the seam
Leaving about an inch of space from the folded up piece fold down the top of the page. 
This gives you a wallet shape from which you can cut 2 card about 3.5” wide 
Next cut the top flap down on each card the flap just needs to cover the lip of the pot (the piece you folded over for the top of the pot) you will use this next to cut the semi-circle that holds the flowers
Next using the spare card cut a half circle (use a reel of tape or cup to draw around) 
It will be wide enough to fit the top of the pot and you can cut around your template with scissors as it does not need to be exact as it will be covered with flowers.
Attach to the pot. 
Colour the flower pot , I used distress inks so I could blend it darker at the sides and leave it lighter at the middle as this gives the illusion of shape to the pot.

Then decorate, place your organza or Muslim on the top section of the pot for the background, and glue a piece of lace to the base of the top flap of the pot, and then add the flowers. 

The flowers were cut using a multi flower punch as it is so quick and this gave me the 2 basic shape flowers it also has some leaves but I did not use them 
You can gather these in advance by cutting them out whenever you have little scraps and then select form your bag of flowers to make the cards.

Last I cut a cream tag to sit inside of the pot to add my greeting from a piece of scrap card. I also added a bead opening but this is optional.

This is the link to Gi Kerrs video that shows how to make the card using tea stained papers.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Laminated Wallets - Using up your Papers

 Hi Crafters

You know how I said at the beginning of the year that I was going to try and destash, buy less etc, well I have bought less, but not stopped altogether as you are always drawn to beautiful papers and project items that you just have to try. I will show some purchases in another post, but today is all about trying to use up what we already have.

I was going through my paper stash and came across a pack of 12 x 12 papers from K & Co. Purchased on QVC many moons ago and added to from a bargain buy on Ebay.

A lot of the designs on the papers are by Brenda Walton and Elizabeth Brownd, and I love the patterns and colours they use. Looking at the style of papers I thought they would make good wallets and proceeded to think out the design and cuts I would make for maximum use. The following instructions are for a wallet designed specifically to use up your 12 x 12 papers. 

Here are the lovely wallets made from 12 sheets of my stash. 1 Sheet = 1 wallet

To make these you need:

2 sheets of 12 x 12 
1 sheet of laminating paper A4
Popper or closure system

Cut the 12 x 12 sheets down to 20cm x 29cm (save the side strips to use later)
Place the 2 sheets, both with printed sides out, together. Put them into the laminating pouch and put through the laminating machine. Use a trimmer to cut to the edge of the papers so the 2 sheets come apart and the outsides are laminated.

Score each sheet at 10cm,11cm, and 23cm, along the 29cm side and mark the middle of the short side (top) about 2cm from top. If you have a corner punch round the top corner of the sheet.

Before you put the wallet together, add your closure to the area marked in the centre of the top. This could be a popper (like I have used), a riveted circle to take ribbon or a button top and bottom to wind string or ribbon round. Put a hole where you made your mark and then fold the wallet over and using your pokey took through the same hole, gently mark the corresponding area to make a hole in the bottom section of the wallet. Add you chosen closure.

With your side strips cut 2 pieces 9.5cm long and 10cm wide score each piece at 2cm,4cm,6c,8cm across width. 

Fold these to make concertina side panels for the wallet. 
Lay  the wallet flat  and glue side panels to the centre section of the wallet just above the score line. Fold up the front of the wallet and glue to the top part of the side panels. 

You can make 2 wallets from the 2 sheets and one laminating pocket, leaving oddments approx 10cm x 10cm . As I made several wallets in one go I used these oddments for another little pocket. I put 2pieces  together and laminated them using a smaller laminating pocket. I cut the top off to make a laminated pocket for trinkets or adding to journals, I have just punched a semi circle in the top to open, but you could punch holes in the top to close it with ribbon 

If we are able to have craft shows later in the year these wallets will definitely be on my table. Crafters can store their die cuts, ribbon and tape, or other craft items to tidy up the desk. Stationary lovers can have them for their paperwork and vouchers etc. 

 Although these are my own design I was initially inspired to make laminated wallets from  a lady called Lolly Palooza on YouTube, you can see her video here. 

I hope you have a go at making them and let me see your results 
Happy crafting 

Sunday 14 March 2021

Last Easter Basket No5

 Hello Crafters

Well here we are with the last of the Easter Baskets

This one uses the basic basket as shown in my  previous post. I have then embossed the card with an Anna Griffin embossing folder. It is very difficult to get the all over embossing on the base card, as the card is wider than the folder, so I have embossed 2 additional sections of card that fit over the side flaps, and glued them to the sides before making the cuts.

I then cut the base card and made the basket, adding a plain handle.

Next I  painted the whole basket with a solution of PVA glue to seal it and give it a slight gloss. When this was dry I hot glued the pretty mulberry flowers on the front and back. You could use a good quality wet glue such as ‘Glossy Accents’ which dries quickly and clear.

I hope you have enjoyed this short series for the Easter baskets and will make some for the egg hunts that will be taking place across the country. I am looking forward to making a gallery of the pictures from our WI members with their decorated baskets.

Keep checking back as I am in the process of making some lovely spring ‘Flower Pot’ cards which i will be sharing with you soon.

Happy Crafting

Saturday 13 March 2021

Easter Basket Three and Four

 Hi Crafters

Today we have  another 2 finished baskets.

No3 of the Easter Baskets is similar to the decoupage but instead of tissue I have just used pretty papers.

The papers have a peachy rose print which I thought went well with the orange card stock

For this one you use the basket as the template to cut out the 4 sides of the basket and glue to the sides. I then decided to make this very girly and add some bling.

No 4 Is the complete opposite very earthy tones as it is made with cardboard style card and then covered in string. 

Make the basket up with a cardboard style card, and simply fold over the pointed tips and glue down, you can see them on the opposite side of the basket in the picture.

Then starting with the bottom of one side of the basket. Using a ball of string and a hot glue gun add a line of thin glue and then overlay with the string. Turn the basket and continue to run a line of string around the basket working the line up at each complete turn.

I could have used cardboard for the handle and covered it with string as well but I should have added the handle before I started adding the string to the main basket and didn’t, so I added a double row of string for the handle once I had finished the base. I then looped more string all the way across the handle pieces to hold the two strands together. Using some thicker string I made a bow for each side and hot-glued it to the handle sections . When doing some serious hot-glue work like this I wear silicone finger gloves and have a bowl of cold water on the table in case I get hot glue on my hands.. I really like this natural looking basket and was pleased with the finish. 

This is not a decoration I would do if making the baskets with children, as they will want to try using the glue gun and they can get VERY HOT. 

This nearly wraps up the Easter Basket ideas, I have one more I want to try so back soon. 

Don’t forget to send me pictures of any baskets you make I would love to see them 


Friday 12 March 2021

Easter Basket One and Two

 Hi Crafters

Well here is the first decorated basket.

I have just taken the basic basket and added some paper flowers on each side with a little ivy. The main flower has 4/5 layers each shaped with a ball tool to give them movement. The centre has a gem added and then it has been glued to a scalloped piece of plain cream card to highlight it. More flowers have been added to the handle.

The next one I have Decoupaged very simply with a simple sheet of napkin paper on both sides.
This needs to be added when the basic card is cut and before the the sides are cut and shaped. I rarely do decoupage so do not buy Modge Podge to do this. I add some water to PVA Glue and cover the card thoroughly. I then lay out my napkin take off any lower layers leaving just the printed single tissue. I spray the napkin with a fine spray of paper and carefully pick up the napkin tissue and lay it on the glued card surface. Leave it to dry and trim any overhang.

I have then added some cotton lace to complete the vintage look. It’s quite twee and girly. 

Back with the next couple of ideas soon 


Tuesday 9 March 2021

Easter Baskets

 Hi Crafters 

Before I get down to todays project I want to share with you that I have at last learnt to link YouTube  videos to my Blog page allowing you to see the inspiration behind the project. I am unable to do my own videos,  it is difficult to angle the camera correctly and then have uninterrupted time to film, and I don’t have editing tools, so adding a link that will allow you to see videos that show you how to construct your project will be useful. It also allows the crafters that so generously share their skills to get the recognition they deserve. 

Now on to the next project. During Isolation my WI (of which I am a committee member) have been making deliveries to all our members each month, on the day we would normally meet up. I shared the Christmas Crackers we made for the December deliveries. 

For March we have set our members a challenge to put a simple Easter Basket together and decorate it.

I have cut and scored 27 baskets bases for distribution and will be making several to add to the gallery of photographs I  hope to get from members showing a variety of decoration styles. So I thought I would share with you a few different styles as I make them. But first we will start with the basic basket. I hope that some of you will join in and send me pictures of your makes.

I used card from Lidl as these card pads are an unusual size and allow 2 baskets to be made,  per sheet. But you can use a standard A4 sheet of card. Choose a sturdy quality card.

Cut a  6.5” square with the remainder cut a strip the length of the A4 at 1” and this will leave you another strip 3/4” to build the handles 

Next take your square and score 2” on all four sides this will give the card 9 grid sections.

Cut the score lines on both sides up to the first score line. This will give you 3 solid sections in the middle and 3 flaps each side. Pull the 2 outer flaps up to the middle section to form your basket use a paper clip to hold them in place until you are ready to complete the basket

Next take the 2 long strips of card and run then gently across the end of your desk or run a bone folder over them to curve them a little. Hold them over the basket and decide how long you want the handle to be, cut the end to fit. Glue the smallest piece on top of the wider piece for a strong handle.

To secure the basket together you can glue the side panels together placing the handles between the 2 sections or hold the panels together and poke a hole through the 3 pieces of card then poke a hole through the end of the handle and put together with a brad/split pin.

This makes your basic basket.

Keep looking back for ideas to decorate 


Sunday 7 March 2021

Simple Flowers from your scraps

 Hi  Crafters

Today I have another great idea from Gi Kerr. 

These flowers are simple to make use up any of your scraps and lovely for use in journals scrapbook pages or to decorate gift bags boxes etc. When I saw the video i could not get over how simple and yet lovely the flowers are at the same time they really are using up scraps that  are too small to use on anything else. So save those side strips from your projects as they can make this finishing touch.

Take your 2cm or 1” circle punch and punch along your scraps you will need 6 circles per flower

Next distress the edges. I used a distress pen and ran it around the edges, but for a smoother shabbier look it would be better to use distress ink pad and a sponge tool. 

Both pictures show odd circles. For a flower it is best to have the five petals  from the same paper.

Take a circle and place some wet glue around the centre. The place five circles around the edge of the circle, the last circle to be placed should sit over the fourth peal and under the first. Make any minor movements to the petals to get them evenly spaced and how you want them and then set aside to dry moving on to the next flower. 

Decorate the centre, I have used brads, resin flowers and acrylic gems for mine.

When done you could add a paper clip to the back, or a journal clip to dangle the flower from your project 
There are so many uses for them 

I will be making some book page gift bags and using these to decorate them, as well as putting them on my envelopes to add a little colour to them. 

I will also be using them as my April giveaways fro anyone buying from my eBay or Etsy store. 
If you want to follow the video on how to make these, check out Gi Kerr on YouTube.

Back soon with more great craft makes.