
Tuesday 9 March 2021

Easter Baskets

 Hi Crafters 

Before I get down to todays project I want to share with you that I have at last learnt to link YouTube  videos to my Blog page allowing you to see the inspiration behind the project. I am unable to do my own videos,  it is difficult to angle the camera correctly and then have uninterrupted time to film, and I don’t have editing tools, so adding a link that will allow you to see videos that show you how to construct your project will be useful. It also allows the crafters that so generously share their skills to get the recognition they deserve. 

Now on to the next project. During Isolation my WI (of which I am a committee member) have been making deliveries to all our members each month, on the day we would normally meet up. I shared the Christmas Crackers we made for the December deliveries. 

For March we have set our members a challenge to put a simple Easter Basket together and decorate it.

I have cut and scored 27 baskets bases for distribution and will be making several to add to the gallery of photographs I  hope to get from members showing a variety of decoration styles. So I thought I would share with you a few different styles as I make them. But first we will start with the basic basket. I hope that some of you will join in and send me pictures of your makes.

I used card from Lidl as these card pads are an unusual size and allow 2 baskets to be made,  per sheet. But you can use a standard A4 sheet of card. Choose a sturdy quality card.

Cut a  6.5” square with the remainder cut a strip the length of the A4 at 1” and this will leave you another strip 3/4” to build the handles 

Next take your square and score 2” on all four sides this will give the card 9 grid sections.

Cut the score lines on both sides up to the first score line. This will give you 3 solid sections in the middle and 3 flaps each side. Pull the 2 outer flaps up to the middle section to form your basket use a paper clip to hold them in place until you are ready to complete the basket

Next take the 2 long strips of card and run then gently across the end of your desk or run a bone folder over them to curve them a little. Hold them over the basket and decide how long you want the handle to be, cut the end to fit. Glue the smallest piece on top of the wider piece for a strong handle.

To secure the basket together you can glue the side panels together placing the handles between the 2 sections or hold the panels together and poke a hole through the 3 pieces of card then poke a hole through the end of the handle and put together with a brad/split pin.

This makes your basic basket.

Keep looking back for ideas to decorate 


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