
Wednesday 13 July 2022

Anna Griffin Gift Bags

 July is Anna Griffin Month

Project 3 The Gift Bag

Hello Crafters and thank you for stopping by.
Whilst checking out the Anna Griffin website a couple of months ago I saw that she sold gift bags. I had not seen them before and we cannot buy them in the UK, so that gave me an idea for the blog
As I make a lot of gift bags why not try to make them in the Anna Griffin style. So here is my version of the Anna Griffin gift bag.

This is a large bag but you can use the same design for the smaller bags by adjusting the sizes to suit.

For this bag you will need:
2 sheets of 12 x 12 papers in the same design for front and back 
1 sheet of 12 x 12 paper in a contrast design for the top panel
2 pieces of string or narrow ribbon for handles  12” long 
Wet glue or very strong double sided tape. I find wet glue best as it allows some wiggle room when lining up your side panels.

Cut 4” off the side of the front and back pieces making them 8” x 12” , Save the pieces cut to make the side panels
Score the front panel at 3” along the bottom edge to form the base. 
Score the back panel at 3” & 4.5” 
The contrast sheet cut 2 pieces 5 x 12”, fold in half lengthwise to form 2 pieces 2.5” x 12, cut 4” off the end  of both piece.
Take the 2 saved pieces and along the long side score at 3” 4.5”, Turn and score at 1/2”, 2” Down to the first score line and at 3.5” 
Fold all the score lines 

To make:

Glue the contrast pieces along the top of the front and back panels placing either side about 1/2” over the top (you could make a feint score line along the top 1/2” to show you where to place the edge so that it is even all the way across)

Glue the 4” piece over the side panels the same way.
Glue the bottom panels together with the outside of the paper showing back and front.
With the side panels cut the 1/2” score line off the bottom 3” section and make a small V cut so it sits inside the base of the bag easily. If your paper is thicker you may wish to score a line from the middle score line down to the outside edge (the inside edge of the side scoreline) at the 3” score line, pinch the scored line together as this will enable your back to fold flat.
Glue the bottom 3” panel to the base of the bag on both sides, it is easier to do this by laying the man section of the bag flat with the inside of the bag up. Leave to dry.
Next, one panel at a time, glue the scored outside panel and lift the front of the bag up, match up the top edges and glue the side of the front panel to the side panel up to the score line.
Do this on all four sides to complete your bag

Next mark the tops of the front and back with a pencil mark about 2” in and 1” down from the top on both sides of the front and back. This will mark the holes for the handle. Then punch out the holes. Add your string or ribbon and tie a knot in the back.
If you wanted to hide the ribbon ends, add the handles before gluing the contrast colours to the main section of the bag and tape down the ends so they are hidden inside. 

And  here is the finished bag folded to store away

I hope you enjoyed this project and back soon with more Anna Griffin gifts 


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