
Wednesday 8 June 2016


Looking for inspiration on You Tube I came across some lovely gift bags made using recycled envelopes
I remember making them before and had another go in a lunch break one day
These really are quick and easy to make and useful if you make items to sell and want some individual and original gift bags for your items.

A great way of recycling  envelopes that come through the door every day.

For a more bohemian look use magazine pages to cover the envelopes
For a shabby chic look - old wallpaper or craft papers
for a modern smart look - wrapping paper

Simply cover both sides of the envelope
cut across the top to make the smart edge
you can use craft sissors for a fluted edge
score 2cm down both sides and the bottom edge fold both ways
push flat the bottom of the envelope - you will get a pointy triangle each end, squeeze these flat fold in and glue to the base
fold the sides to finish the box shape, punch holes in the top for the ribbon/string/hessian handles
add a piece of tissue to finish

This one is finished off from pages of an old WI magazine the angle of the tram on the picture makes it difficult to see the shape of the bag but its such a bright lively picture making the gift bag unique, with the added bonus of being recycled materials.

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