
Tuesday 15 August 2017

New Use for Toilet Tissue

Hi Crafters

Following on from my decision to do more workshops and demo's, I came across new flowers made from, yes you've guessed it, toilet tissue.

I had to give it a try as it looked do-able and effective, and it was. I was surprised at how well the bouquet came together. The YouTube video showed 6 styles of blossoms and flowers and I added the chrysanthemum making 7 in total.
To make the display below took 22 stems, and about 5 hours in total from start to finish, considering this was my first try, I can expect to speed up a little.

It is not without some cost as you need flower wires and tape, and some oasis to do the display, but this is considerably cheaper and longer lasting. Needless to say this has been added to my list of demo's.
I would love some comments if you have any

Happy crafting


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