
Sunday 6 August 2017

What's next for me in the crafting world

Hi Crafters

No posts for a couple of weeks and that is because I am struggling for inspiration.
We all go through these periods when new ideas are not coming as easily.
I tried looking at You Tube and the craft channels but it did not seem to help.

So I resorted to another tidy up of the craft room.

This helped to focus where I want to go with my crafting. I began to think,
what do I like doing with my crafting?
what craft courses are there out there that I might like?
if I make more how am I going to sell it?
Where do I sell now and why?

My conclusions surprised me! 

I like attending and holding workshops
I like to keep my hand in making cards and trying new designs
I like to attend and mix with other crafters at Craft Fairs

So I have booked a couple of workshops to attend in the autumn and I have arranged a couple of workshops to run myself
I have tried a monthly market (the jury is still out on that one)
I am booking a couple of Christmas Fairs
and I shall continue to make cards and sell them at WI

With this in mind I then spent some time working on a type of portfolio to show what I make, what workshops I can run and what demonstrations I can offer.
Maybe this will be a new start but either way I have at last got my mojo back.

Oh and I forgot to mention I tried a new process

Glue Gun Art
It is fun and I like the results so far
I have added this to my demo list


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