
Thursday 9 September 2021

Best Box Ever

 Hi Crafters 

First quick make of Best Box Ever 

I have been making boxes for some  time but saw someone on YouTube recently making the extra edging for the inside of the box to give a very professional finish. It was only a glancing view and I did not see the item being made or remember who I was watching at the time. 

A couple of weeks past and I suddenly remembered the edging and decided to have a go at reproducing the technique for my own boxes, as I want to do a class on boxes for Christmas.

The largest you can make with 12 x 12 card is a 5” square box which is of good size 

I made it up and it came out very well however this was using a thin paper and so I am going to have to make one with heavier card stock to ensure the measurements work for the folds 

Take 2 pieces of card 12 x 12 and score all 4 sides @ 1/2”, 2” 31/2” using the top and bottom measurements on your scoreboard

Cut both ends as if making up a box in the normal way cutting small notches in tabs and sides 

Burnish all lines and make up as normal gluing down the extra fold onto the base of the box piece

This gives a lovely lined edge and professional finish

As my box was from light paper I then lines the lid and base by cover 2 pieces of card (cereal box) cut at 4 3/4” square and covering with the same paper 

I also lined a piece of card 4.5” square to cover the top 

To make the box requires 2 sheets of 12 x 12 matching papers. 

Whilst this box does not look very different on the outside, the inside has a very professional finish and construction can be completed without glueing in the first instance, so you could unfold the sides for storage and glue together later when you are going to use it.

Back soon with more craft musings 

Happy Crafting



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