
Wednesday 1 September 2021

Craft Fair 2021


First Craft Show 2021

Hi Crafters

I am back to day to round off my posts about the Craft show I attended on Bank Holiday Monday.

This is the first time I have attended this fair and  you are only allowed to sell items you have made so gift boxes with scarfs and Trinket Boxes with brooches were out as the inside items were not Hand-Crafted. So I decided to try my Journals, Journal Kits and Tea Lovers Journals & Wallets plus Clips for decorating Journals and bags, Clipboards (something practical) and some gift bags and Trinket boxes.

The footfall was very  encouraging and  organisation for the day very good. There was a lovely selection o f stalls with knitted items, Beautiful quilted hangings, jewellery, Fabric boxes, and Ceramics to name a few. The venue is set up for a Family Fun Day which runs from 11am to 4pm and in the field is a very big Car Boot. There is some entertainment and games for the families, while the Craft show sits alongside this in the main hall.

Now for sales. 

The Tea Lovers Journal and wallets sold, the clipboards and Journal kits, and at the end I sold some decorated paperclips. Sadly I did not do well with my Journals, sold no gift bags or Trinket boxes, which surprised me. 

I learnt I am not the greatest saleswoman in the world and presentation is important so that buyers can see what you have and how the items are used. Pitch your items at the right price for your venue. Kite Journals look great as do Turkish map books but the majority of people do not know what they are.

So some good news and some bad. Overall it was a lovely day and I met like minded crafters and received good feedback for my items, which was very encouraging. I will be putting my Journals on Ebay and in my Etsy Store. I have donated some gift bags and Trinket boxes to a friend who sells anything and everything given to her for  a Cancer Charity and I will be sitting down and working on what items I make for the Christmas Fair.     

Back soon with new makes and ideas to share. Oh yes and more good news the craft group I joined a couple of years ago is starting back next week. 

Happy Crafting 


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