
Monday 18 April 2016


Up early on Sunday to go to the Sincerely Yours craft show. I am very pleased the show comes to the South West, as I hate the hike to NEC for the bigger craft shows.
Alas there was no Inka Gold at this years show, but several other goodies from stamps to Mica powders a new die and coloured card.
Back home to try out the new purchases, but before I sit down at the desk there was just the matter of making room for the new purchases in the cupboard.  A tidy of several boxes, 2 clearance items on eBay and I have managed to put away today's buys. Next photograph the clearance items and list them on eBay, answer some emails and make lunch. So no time to actually craft.

Back at work today I am still in the clearout mode, so lunch time saw me clearing out my craft box at work (yes I have one here too). Have been really ruthless and put a load of items for sale on ebay as clearance. I really want to start anew. Cannot wait to try some new album layouts, and use the mica powders with stamping that I bought from Honey Doo Crafts. The demonstration was excellent at their stall, I learnt the tricks of getting a smooth finish when painting with Mica powders, keep a piece of cheap kitchen towel by your pallet, and put the brush to the paper before using, thus taking out most of the water leaving more mica. This gives a really beautiful smooth finish. The stall was also demonstrating making flowers with vellum paper, excellent stall they also have a gallery and blog at

So out with the old and on with the new, and hopefully someone will find a new home for all the lovely boxes ribbon and stamps cleared out. Where does it all come from.

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