
Monday 23 April 2018

Crafters Companion A3 Score Board

Hi Crafters

I was flicking throigh the craft channels the other evening, as you do, when I came across a deal for the Crafters Conmpanion Score Board. Now anyone who reads this blog or has been to a craft day with me will know I love the the Fiskars cutter as it has the ability to cut and score with the one tool, but the presetnation was good and so I followed the programme for a while.

Needless to say I was hooked, not only did they have the A3 score board but 2 pretty A3 pads and 2 DVD's giving ideas on using the board. The price by buying the bundle was £45 if purchased seperately £75. I do not usually buy DVD's, I have been crafting a long time and can usually work out how to make an item and that's part of the fun but Sara from Crafters Companion demonstrates very well and the samples are always enticing. I decided to treat myself and popped in an order, which came today.

OMG I love it. Unlike my ususal approach I decided to watch a DVD first and this meant that having watched how a couple of items were made I felt confident having a go myself. Usually I would use unwanted card and paper to trial a new item but made my first project with the Score Board from the A3 card in the bundle. The card is very pretty and double sided and well worth buying for the projects shown. It took just 1hr to make a concertina file, the only slight criticism I have is the fasteners used on the project were not demonstrated, having used a magnetic clip which was a little heavy for the item, it took me another hour to find out what and how to make the string ties used on file demonstrated. The bad news  was I could not buy the item in question, the good news is I can make it and have all the tools to make and fasten it onto the next file.

This purchase has been a bit of an epiphany for me. In the past I have been reluctant to buy kits when I have similar tools available to use and can make do with the card and papers I already have. But these projects have been so straight forward and finished so nicely that I can see the value of having an A3 board and A3 quality card to do the job. So it would seem you can teach an old dog new tricks.

When I have time I will post a picture of the file I made, but not tonight as I want to make the wine box. 

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