
Thursday 22 February 2018

Envelope Files

Hi Crafters

I came across this idea on YouTube 

A great way of using up the thinner papers from your 12 x 12 packs. I had a couple of large pads which showcased a collection such as K & Co or My Minds Eye. These pads have 90 or 140 sheets in, but they are much lighter than the standard pads. 

The method is very simple.
Cut the bottom end of and then score approximately half way down. 
Then cover all the sections in your papers
The only tricky part is making the piece that covers the flap end. For this I made a template by drawing around the outside of the envelope and cutting a fraction inside the pencil line so it will layer and also slip inside to line the folder
Decorate the outside and either add a button fastening or ribbon around the pack

I used A4 manilla envelopes so my two storage areas are approximately 22.5cm by 15cm 

They make pretty storage for pictures, newspaper clippings, coupons, photos etc.
You could also store your homemade embellishments in them adding a label to categorise them.

Being a frugal crafter I used the leftover pieces of paper to make an envelope mini album, and when I have decorated it I will post the finished item. 

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