
Monday 29 June 2020

Back To Basics Week 4 - SHaped Cards

Shaped Cards - Week 4 of Back To Basics

Hi Crafters

This new weeks is all about Shaped cards

I love shaped cards and usually if I see something I like, I have to master the design and make the card myself. Sometimes this works well and I am pleased with the results, sometimes I make it but need to work on the design or toppers used to compliment the shape, and other times I make a shaped card, master the cuts and shaping, only to find the finished result is fussy and not something I will actually use, or only for very special occasions.

 I have looked at all the different cards I have made and chosen cards that I think are not too complicated, can be replicated quite easily and make useful additions to your repertoire. I am sure most of them you have seen before and probably made yourself, but if not have a go and let me see your lovely makes.

Card 1

The W card

I used a 5 x 7 card and lined the inside with 2 pieces of 63/4” x 43/4”

I cut a strip of black card 11/2” wide by 10” long, folded in half and then each side in half again, this makes the W shape inside with 4 sections. I decided to use up some card stock I had from a First Edition pad, I have made an album and these were pieces left over. The fact they are all from one pad means they all coordinate. The plainest piece I put aside for the greeting. I cut butterflies from the scraps and added them to each of the 4 cut-out ovals.

The front has been decorated simply as the paper used to cover the front was highly decorative storks, which I was reluctant to cover over. 
You could leave the butterfly off the right side if you wished to use this section for your personal greeting or write it on the back.
You will see lots of versions of this on YouTube as well as the Zcard which is similar. 

Card 2 

Pop-up Box Card

This is really quite simple to make and very effective. 
Take a piece of A4 base card and cut to 16cm deep by the length of the card (usually 29.5cm. Put aside the piece unused as you will need that later.
Score along the long side at 7cm,14cm,21cm,28cm
Turn and score at 9cm. The 9cm section is the base and the 7cm the top
Fold and burnish all the scorelines 
Cut from the top to the score line on each section to form the box 
If you wish to shape the top sections as I have in this sample now is the time to do it. You can cut a triangle by marking the middle of the square and cutting from score line to the marked centre. or use a border punch or die along the outer edge
If you are using a punch or die remember you need to do the same with the decorative papers you will be adding to all the squares 
To cover the squares you will need 
4 pieces of decorative papers cut 6.5cm x 8.5 cm
4 pieces of decorative papers cut 6.5cm x 6.5cm
Cover the squares with the papers and then glue the bottom small flap section in, to form the box.
Next, using the spare base card cut 2 pieces of card 2cm x 10cm and score both ends at 1.5cm You can leave them plain or cover them, it is up to you.
FOld the scored ends and glue the flaps 
Place one piece at the back of the box and one to the front 
I have used a Craft Card paper pack I think this is called Chalk Board,  it was an 8 x 8 pad in my stash. I have fussy cut the flowers from one or two of the sheets. These are then glued to the bars across the box to form the bouquet. 
Add a greeting to the front panel and you are done. 
You can make these in so many styles, and they fold flat to post. 

Back in a few days with a couple more designs.



  1. Hi I really like the book card, can you tell me where I can buy the board to make it, and please can I go in the draw.

  2. You can probably buy it on ebay, put Bookatrix into the search. Hope that is of help.
    You are in the draw.Dee


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