
Sunday 8 July 2018

Flip Top Box Revisited

Hi Crafters

Another tidy of the desk yesterday. I really am a very messy crafter and items build up on the desk over time so there is very little space to actually craft. Yesterday I cleared the desk completely and then either rehoused many items to the correct storage or dismantled. 

One of the many boxes I had on hte desk for putting little items in was a flip top lid made a few years ago. I got to thinking (I am easily distracted when doing any sort of cleaning or housework) that if I used my A3 card for the frame I could make this box bigger. So with desk cleaned I set to making this item today.

Starting with a strip 10cm x 42cm lond scored at 10,20,30,40cm, turn and score at 5cm cut up each of the scored lines to the halfway score line. leaving the tab on the end, Fold round the cut pieces to form a box middle. 

Cut another piece 12cm x 29.2cm Score at 12cm, 17.2cm 

Add a piece of ribbon to the middle of the bottom flap and stick down the centre of the box to the base. Add a piece of ribbon to the top flap and then line with a piece of card 11cm square. Decorate the box in card to match the lid lining 

This is a decent sized box ideal for home made biscuits or chocolates
Or gifts such as a scarf etc

Happy Crafting

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