
Monday 2 July 2018


Hi Crafters

With the lovely weather we are having I have actually had time on my hands to craft, as it is too hot to do anything strenuous. Hence my recent makes. So although today I am about to do some sewing, my mind is wandering toward Autumn and a possible craft day.

I was thinking of all the flowers I make and the techniques involved and this may be a good start to the day. Then from that we could make a Self-closing box and Tuxedo card to use the flowers we have made in the morning.

By the end of the day everyone should be able to take home a lovely card and box set like this

Either of the above could be made for any occasion and the box would be particularly useful at CHristmas for awkward shaped gifts. They are both good basics to have in your template catelogue, and you will of course get instructions and tips on making them as we go through the process. 

If I can organise a venue and date I will be running the craft day for my WI, so watch this space. 

Happy Crafting 

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