
Sunday 10 May 2020

Isolation Folder - 4th Double Page

4th Double PAge - Folder & a little extra

Hello again everyone. I hope there are some of you joining me today to make more pages for your journal.
Today is day 7 of our project and I hope you are enjoying it as I am.. Not only am I liking the process of putting together the album I am looking forward to making the entries that will tell my story of the time we have been in Isolation and give a unique memory book of this time. 

Here is what we will be doing today

I would like to say at this point that the next few pages have been developed with projects that will use up the scraps from the sheets used to make the envlopes and some of the other page items, so that the papers match and do not leave a lot of pieces for my scrap box.

Left Page

Pocket folder made with a base of 1 sheet of A4 black card, and the die used for one of the previous pages. 
I folded the page in half leaving a 1.5cm edge, and marked down from the top of the page where I wanted the flap to start so that teh pocket was a good size and fitted the book page.
I then put the die on the side of the card where the flap was and put it in my machine just cutting down to the flap line, at this stage it does not matter if you go over a little. 
NB: If your edge die is not very wide shorten the piece of card before you fold so that the curve for the flap fits the sides of the pocket. Using a scrap piece of paper cut another piece that will fit over the flap.
On the side where the small fold has been made, cut from the fold to the top of the page leaving the pocket flap standing proud. 
On the other side cut from the flap edge to the outside edge of the card then fold this in half and glue to the small fold edge to make your base pocket. 
Again using scrap papers cut a piece that fits the under flap part of your pocket width ways and 2cm longer as we will fold this over the end to complete the pocket base. 
This is where I used up a couple of pieces of scrap paper, as I had no pieces of scrap that would cover the whole are , but had 2 widths that were long enough to do the job. In order to make the best finish I placed one piece on the right side and glued down, the second piece I folded over the length edge to strengthen it and used strong tape along the left side, top and bottom to add it to the pocket, this gave me another storage area on the front of the pocket for tags, as you can see in the picture above. 
I glued the design paper to the top flap and it was ready to place on the page
I could have used magnets or velcro to hold the flap but decided to continue with the ribbon theme and placed a piece around the length of the pocket before sticking it onto the page, that could be used to tie the flap shut.

In the centre of each double page spread is a little flap that allows extra spacing in the book, and in this page I decided to add one of my shaker keyrings to give a little more interest to the page.
(See previous posts of the shaker keyrings and bookmarks) 

On the right side is an envelope with 2 Photo mats. 

These mats have been made a little differently. Instead of tabs I have added photo corners to the card mats, photos can be slipped into the corners. 
You can make you own photo-corners using the matching designer papers. Take a strip of paper 4cm wide (any width will do the job but consider the width against the size mat you are covering) and fold as shown in the picture below.

As you can see I used my mat for this so I could line up the folds.
Once you have made the 2 folds turn it over as in the right hand side example and cut along the triangles edge . Make 4 of these and place them in each corner with the open parts at the back. Make sure they are tight into the corner and stick down on the back of the card only, allowing the front to take the photographs.
You can use these photo corners for any photo mats you make for this project or any other so it is worth having a go at making your own.
Well thats todays layout, I hope you have found something you wnat to make for your journal. 

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